Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is extremely safe. Red Door Acupuncture only uses sterile, single-use disposable needles. Acupuncture has relatively few possible side effects, which may include slight bleeding, soreness or bruising at the acupuncture site. The National Institute of Health (NIH) comments that 'occurrence of adverse events in the practice of acupuncture has been documented to be extremely low." |
What Can I expect during my first visit?
Your first visit will last 60-90 minutes. We will spend the first part of the treatment discussing your concerns and health history along with a physical exam as needed to form a treatment plan. Needles will then be inserted and remain inserted for approximately 30 minutes. Symptom relief may occur immediately or in the few days following treatment. For complex, chronic complaints, more then one treatment may be required before symptoms start to alleviate. |
What is the cost? What forms of payment do you take?
Initial evaluation and treatment: $100.00 Follow-up treatment: $80.00 Health savings accounts and flex spending accounts are accepted. All major credit cards are accepted. |
How many treatments will it take?
The consensus from medical research shows that receiving treatment twice a week for 4-6 treatments yields the best results. Many patients also see relief with acupuncture treatment once a week with the same 4-6 treatment range. |
How Long after acupuncture should I wait to resume normal activity?