Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, filiform needles into acupuncture points. By stimulating these points, we can get deeper into muscles than pressure alone, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, increase range of motion, and ease pain.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point acupuncture, commonly referred to as "dry needling", is a safe drug-free method to address pain. Unlike other forms of acupuncture, trigger point acupuncture involves the identification and direct treatment of tension in a muscle or muscle group. Trigger point acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of musculo-skeletal conditions from general aches and pains to sports injury and rehab. Our style of trigger point therapy uses fewer needles and lighter stimulation, which means less discomfort for our patients.
Cupping is a technique were a vacuum is created using a glass or silicone "cup" and applied to parts of the body. Cupping can provide decompression to an area, temporarily increase circulation, improve fascial glide, and change/improve the fluid dynamics of the tissue being treated.
Cupping may result in dark circles left on the skin, a form bruising. We do not strive for this effect as it is not more therapeutic, but marks may be left from time to time. |
Gua Sha and Scraping
Gua Sha, or "scraping" as it is commonly known, is a technique where a device is used to glide across the skin or "scrape" a muscle, tendon, or area. Studies have shown increased local body temperature after scraping, a sign of increased circulation to an area. This technique can improve fascial glide, increase range of motion, decrease pain, and improve fluid dynamics in soft tissue.
Traditionally, gua sha produces red and purple bumps after treatment. We do not stimulate to the point of bruising as it offers no additional therapeutic benefit. |
Electrical acupuncture
We combine these modalities as needed to provide a more complete, rounded, and effective style of treatment to address conditions from ranging from anxiety, high stress, and insomnia, to sciatica, tennis elbow, and runner's knee.
"Using acupuncture with other medical treatments has aided in the reduction pain from a pinched nerve. With the help of acupuncture I have been able to decrease my pain medication and I have a greater range of mobility.
I highly recommend Red Door Acupuncture." - Cindy
I highly recommend Red Door Acupuncture." - Cindy